
Kim Tate vows the ‘most painful possible’ revenge after devastating cancer diagnosis in Emmerdale

Kim issued a terrifying threat

Kim Tate (Claire King) has vowed to take the most painful possible revenge against Rose Jackson (Christine Tremarco), following baby Evan’s leukaemia diagnosis in Emmerdale.

Dawn Taylor and Billy Fletcher (Olivia Bromley and Jay Kontzle) were left absolutely devastated in recent scenes when doctors confirmed that Evan was suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Kim and Will Taylor (Dean Andrews) stayed with them at the hospital to support them for as long as they could, but eventually had no choice but to return to Home Farm.

They got there just in time to find Rose hauling her suitcase downstairs and preparing to run away.

Kim Tate looking angry in Emmerdale

Kim issued a terrifying threat

Rose only just re-entered daughter Dawn’s life, and their relationship has remained complicated.

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After hearing of Evan’s diagnosis, Rose attempted to take the easy way out, but Will was quick to put her straight.

Though Rose insisted that she was simply leaving so that she didn’t get in the way, Will could see right through her, and called her a coward who was prepared to bolt as soon as the going got tough.

He insisted that if Rose left now, she would never, ever be able to have a relationship with Dawn, as she would never forgive her mum for abandoning her during her time of need.

When Will finished his speech, it was clear that Kim wanted her turn at laying down the law, and she had soon grabbed Rose by the arm to issue a chilling threat.

In true Kim Tate fashion, she warned Rose that if she let Dawn down, then she would destroy her, but not before lying awake at night picturing the most painful ways to do it.

Will Kim’s threats be enough to convince Rose to stick around as Dawn faces the most difficult time of her life?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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