Home & Away

Home and Away’s Bree Cameron to dump Remi Carter in bike drama

Remi's lies come back to bite him.

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Home and Away‘s Bree Cameron will end her relationship with Remi Carter next week, after she discovers the truth about him supposedly giving up his beloved motorbike.

In scenes that will air on Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 1 on Channel 5 in the UK, Bree showers boyfriend Remi with love, as she expresses her gratitude that Remi chose her over his bike when she ordered him to make a choice after Remi’s terrifying road accident.

Bree organises physio for Remi, completely unaware that her boyfriend has actually got Justin Morgan to agree to store his motorbike for him.

remi carter and bree cameron in home and away

Channel 5

When the couple run into Justin in the Diner, his mention of the bike catches Bree’s attention, but she buries the feeling that something isn’t quite right. Remi covers himself by doubling down on his lie, determined to keep Bree from finding out the truth.

Later on, Remi finds a way to subtly ask Eden Fowler to help keep Justin quiet, but Eden convinces Remi that he needs to be honest with his girlfriend.

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Remi eventually agrees – although reluctantly – that Bree deserves to hear the truth, and he finally decides to come clean. He admits to his girlfriend that he lied about getting rid of the bike and that he never had any real intention of letting it go.

remi carter and bree cameron in home and away

Channel 5

Bree is furious, reminding Remi that he looked her in the eye and lied to her, even after they made a promise to always be honest with each other. Remi makes a desperate attempt to repair their damaged relationship, pleading with Bree to tell him how he can fix things.

But for Bree, there’s one obvious answer – Remi needs to ditch his bike, for real this time. However, reluctant Remi admits that he still has reservations, asserting that riding is a part of who he is.

Remi’s continued refusal to let his motorbike go causes Bree’s patience to run out. Feeling tired of having Remi tell her what he thinks she wants to hear, Bree makes things clear.

It has all come down to Remi choosing either her or the bike – and as he clearly hasn’t chosen her, their relationship is over. Is this the end of the road for Remi and Bree?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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