Home & Away

Home and Away spoiler: Remi cuts ties with Stevie

Is he doing the right thing?

Remi and Stevie’s argument escalates. He insists that he can’t deal with being “on call” for her anymore and he’s out. Matching his anger, she agrees.

Cash points out that his delivery was a bit harsh, so Remi admits he clashed with Bree earlier. He’s explains that he’s not in the right headspace to care for someone else right now. Eden advises him to focus on himself, and when Stevie asks for a second chance later, he calls it a day for good.

Feeling low after her rejection, Stevie offloads to Cash and Eden. Even though he has just promised his girlfriend a romantic meal, Cash feels for his client and invites her along.

At dinner, Stevie is ready to party until Eden asks her for some time alone with her boyfriend. Stevie’s confused – she’s doing a whole movie in the Bay because Cash wouldn’t leave Eden’s side.

Realising she didn’t know about that, Stevie elaborates that Cash is so in love with her and she’s lucky. The next day, Cash worries when Stevie is nowhere to be seen. When he finds her, she’s having a complete crisis of confidence – she insists that she’s not doing the movie anymore.

Meanwhile, Dana leads with fury following Xander’s suggestion she spends less time at his place – she can’t believe he didn’t say anything about her being a “co-dependent nightmare child” before she’d humiliated herself. She storms off, and when Harper tries to counsel her later, she has already concluded she needs to dump Xander before he dumps her. Harper insists this is a terrible plan.

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Later, Harper gives Xander a quick tutorial on Dana’s more dramatic turns, and by the next day, she has convinced her sister to make things right. Dana admits she could give him a bit more space, and they both agree to work on their communication.

When Dana meets Harper later to report that her relationship is back on track, a stranger recognises them and approaches, yielding two large envelopes – they’ve both been subpoenaed to give evidence in the case against Tane Parata.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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