Home & Away

Home and Away spoiler: Kirby negotiates with Forrest

Will this work in Lyrik's favour?

Kirby has arrived for her meeting with Forrest and tries to appeal to his better nature, but it isn’t long until she is forced to play her hand. She threatens that if Forrest won’t release her from her contract, Lyrik will put out on their socials that they’re pulling out of the gig and Forrest Duke is solely responsible. Forrest doesn’t take the bait – warning that he’ll sue them for both breaking contract and defamation.

Kirby is defeated, but Remi has a plan. They lay out a new prospective arrangement to Forrest. Should he release Kirby from her contract, he can have full control over her solo music. Forrest consults the label and reasons with Kirby – pointing out that those eight songs she wrote for Forrest are better than anything she did with Lyrik. Kirby is certain, and she’s overjoyed when the label releases her from her contract.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Alf, Leah and Theo speak to an unresponsive Justin when he takes another turn. Bree rushes in to try to save his life, divulging to the family that Justin’s heart is failing.

Justin is transported to an eerie church filled with mourners. When he glimpses a photo of himself, it begins to dawn on him that he’s catching a glimpse of his own funeral. Theo plays guitar and a broken Leah sits in the front row, with neither able to respond. Finally, Justin notices his own headstone, which reads: “Justin Morgan, he gave up”.

Justin fails in desperate attempts to make his loved ones hear him, but it is Leah snapping mid-eulogy to call him a “coward” that fills him with the strength to survive. Suddenly, Justin wakes up, still in hospital, with his family and friends gathered by his bedside.

Amongst joyful celebration, Theo spills the beans about Justin and Leah’s wedding. Everyone is thrilled they’re getting married, but Justin seems suddenly reserved. Only later, when Justin is alone with Leah, he tells her that he knows she only asked him to marry her because he was dying and won’t hold her to it. Leah is clearly crushed. Will they make it down the aisle?

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Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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