
Emmerdale’s Zoe Henry confirms there’s ‘no contest’ who Rhona would choose between Marlon and baby Ivy

Rhona’s relationship with Marlon is being tested 

The bond between Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) and Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is one of the strongest in Emmerdale. But even the strongest relationships can be tested – particularly in soaps and particularly at Christmas – and Rhona and Marlon’s is about to be put under huge pressure.

At Christmas they’re joined by two unexpected guests when Mary Goskirk (Louise Jameson) brings Rhona’s ex-husband, Gus Malcolms (Alan McKenna), and his baby Ivy to stay with the family after she visits Gus and finds he isn’t coping.

Baby Ivy’s mum Lucy died shortly after giving birth to the little girl – who was conceived using an embryo that Gus and Rhona had frozen when they were married. So biologically the baby is part of Rhona.

Zoe Henry reminded us that Marlon and Rhona have been through a lot together.

Marlon questions Rhona over Ivy

Rhona’s relationship with Marlon is being tested

‘To get through somebody having a very serious condition like having been through a stroke, that makes you stronger – or not – and they’ve definitely come out stronger,’ she said.

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Despite this, tensions surface as soon as Gus and the baby appear, as Zoe explained.

‘It’s a very awkward situation on Christmas Eve or the day before Christmas Eve where Marlon’s like, “This is not happening,” and Mary’s like, “Yes it is.” It’s great, they’re really sensitively-written scenes.’

Lucy goes into labour as Gus supports her and Rhona watches on in Emmerdale
Rhona is the biological mother of the baby Lucy birthed (Picture: ITV)

While Rhona instinctively feels that the baby is part of her, Marlon of course doesn’t have that bond with Ivy and is trying to protect Rhona from ultimately being hurt.

‘Marlon’s able to stand back and be quite pragmatic and go “It’s not our baby.” I mean, it isn’t his actually,’ Zoe said. ‘But I think if that was me, would I be able to keep away? Absolutely not. Not ever. Even if it’s just the curiosity of “Does she look like me?”’

The tensions raised by the whole situation threaten to completely derail Christmas and Rhona works hard to try and hold everything together.

Mary, Rhona and Marlon attempt to deal with the arrival of Gus at their home in Emmerdale
Gus and baby Ivy arrive at Rhona and Marlon’s home (Picture: ITV)

‘Rhona’s treading a very fine line because she’s got exactly what she wants – all three of her children in one place,’ Zoe pointed out. ‘But her husband is unhappy, her ex-husband is unhappy. She’s trying to spin plates and keep everybody from falling apart and losing their shit.’

But if trying to keep the peace ultimately failed and it came down to a decision between Marlon or Ivy, Zoe is certain which way her character would go.

‘Ivy, every time,’ she confirmed.

‘We have a scene where that happens and she says, ‘“I’m doing this with or without you.” It feels really harsh when you say that but when I think of my own life my kids come before anything else.’

And for fans of Marlon and Rhona as a couple, there look to be worrying times ahead.

‘It does impact their relationship and their marriage,’ Zoe told us.

‘I could sit here and say, “They can get through anything,” but it’s soap, so… no.’

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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