
Emmerdaleā€™s evil Tom King leaves Vinny Dingle to š¯••ie after š¯•˛urderous š¯•’ttack

Tom is determined to get Vinny out of the picture ā€“ with horrifying consequences on the cards

Tom Kingā€™s (James Chase) hatred for Belle Dingleā€™s (Eden Taylor-Draper) relationship with Vinny (Bradley Johnson) hits new levels in Emmerdale next week.

Itā€™s been grating on Tomā€™s nerves how close Belle has become with Vinny and as his jealousy hits its peak, itā€™s a disastrous outcome for poor, unsuspecting Vinny ā€“ just as Vinny is on the verge of discovering everything.

Vinny seems to have had some inkling lately that thereā€™s trouble in paradise, particularly around Belleā€™s reactions to having to skip having a drink to head home and appease Tom. But when he gets his hands on Belleā€™s phone, the tracker app is right there waiting to be discovered.

Tomā€™s off on a veterinary work trip but Belle is worried about being left alone. What she doesnā€™t realise is that Tom is spying on her through the puppy cam, so sheā€™s not as alone as she thinks.

Tom looking sinister as a petrified Vinny watches on in Emmerdale

Tom is determined to get Vinny out of the picture ā€“ with horrifying consequences on the cards

When Tom arrives at the hotel, his first thought is to crack out the puppy cam app and stalk his wife, but much to his blood-boiling chagrin, he sees Vinny arrive. Unable to contain his rage, Tom immediately makes the mad dash home.

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When he arrives, heā€™s pushed to his limit to find that Belle isnā€™t even there. On to Plan B ā€“ the tracker app he has installed on her phone.

In reality, she and Vinny have taken their dogs for a walk in the woods. Belle tells Vinny sheā€™s been having trouble with her phone, so Vinny offers to have a look. Belle heads home but leaves her phone in Vinnyā€™s care. Potentially a fatal mistake.

Tom hugs Belle in Emmerdale
Tom becomes violent again next week (Picture: ITV)

Tom tracks her phone to the scrap yard ā€“ but when he realises Belle isnā€™t there, and with no explanation as to why he would be there, he knows that his presence will give away his stalking shame.

Tom panics when he hears Vinny approaching and unfortunately for Vinny, his self-preservation instincts lie very closely to his violent instincts. Before Vinny knows whatā€™s hit him, Tom hits him. With a stonking great paperweight, no less.

Tom speaks to Vinny and Belle in the village in Emmerdale
Tom has become frustrated by Vinnyā€™s presence in Belleā€™s life (Picture: ITV)

Calculating Tom then carefully wipes his fingerprints from the scene and leaves an unconscious Vinny to bleed.

Will abusive Tom go as far as murder for the sake of keeping his wife to himself?


Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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