
Emmerdale spoilers: Vicious Tom King humiliates new wife Belle Dingle when she plans sš•–x surprise

Poor Belle is left humiliated

Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) and Tom King (James Chase) return home from their honeymoon in upcoming Emmerdale episodes, and itā€™s quickly established they are not on Cloud Nine anymore.

Following Tomā€™s return last year, it became apparent he was displaying somewhat strange behaviour.

When he got back together with Belle, those concerning traits quickly turned into abusive and controlling ones, with Tom even going as far as attacking Belle when she said she wasnā€™t ready to get married.

Fast forward a few weeks, Belle and Tom have put the violent incident behind them and have now tied the knot.

Tom horribly humiliates Belle while at the vets in Emmerdale

Poor Belle is left humiliated

Tom viciously confronts Belle at their home in Emmerdale
Tom leaves Belle feeling uncomfortable again (Picture: ITV)

Next week, returning from their honeymoon, the trouble continues when Belle asserts herself and Tom puts his foot down, certain he should be the one in control.

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Later on, at the salon, Belle, Lydia (Karen Blick) and Mandy (Lisa Riley) discuss their sex lives. Mandy decides to tell Belle that she should give Tom a surprise and, feeling inspired, she makes her way over to the vets.

Sadly, when Belle gets there, sheā€™s left feeling utterly humiliated when Tom chastises her over the surprise.

Is this a sign TomĀ is only going to get worse?

And where will this leave Belle?

Discussing this new storyline, Eden Taylor-Draper said: ā€˜Personally Iā€™m really excited. I think it is going to be a really fun year. A big year. It will be challenging but I feel ready for that challenge. And Belle has no idea what is coming.

ā€˜Soaps can show behind the public face of a relationship. I think itā€™s the best thing as a viewer as you have a sneak peek behind closed doors. And actually things like this could be going on behind many closed doors to some degree.

ā€˜Sometimes it just takes that reflection on screen to make you think again. People might recognise and see the little red flags and the aspects of controlling behaviour.ā€™

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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