
Emmerdale spoilers Tuesday 26th March: Eric Pollard in GRAVE danger as he targets Amit

Pollard tells Jai all he knows about shady Amit… but will he be believed?

Emmerdale’s Jai Sharma sticks up for his dad in Tuesday’s episode (ITV, 7.30pm, see our TV Guide for full listings).

Pollard and Jai with Amit in Emmerdale

Pollard tells Jai all he knows about shady Amit… but will he be believed?

For a long time, Jai Sharma hated Amit. He was convinced he’d played a part in his dad Rishi’s death and on top of that, refused to acknowledge the man he’d grown up believing he was his uncle, was actually his biological father.

Amit has played the long game with Jai. Bit by bit he worked at their relationship and the pair have now buried the hatchet and a recent grand gesture saw the Sharma dad reveal he’s left his sons, Jai and Suni, everything in his will.

Amit Sharma (centre) with his sons Suni (left) and Jai (Image credit: ITV)

What the brothers don’t know about their businessman dad is that he was given a huge lump of inheritance money by a relative which was due to have been shared with Rishi… if his sibling hadn’t gone and died.

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Rishi Sharma dead at the bottom of the stairs.

Rishi died at Holdgate Farm on Jai and Laurel’s wedding day. (Image credit: ITV)

But is the shady Sharma about to get exposed by wily Pollard?

The men were due to go into partnership until Pollard twigged that what his pal Rodney had told him, that Amit is a wrong un, is true.

Having failed to get his mitts on Pollard’s money, Amit now hates Pollard.

While Pollard, with Vinny’s help, has decided to dig for some dirt on the ruthless entrepreneur to prove he’s rotten to the core.

Having swiped the keys to Holdgate, Vinny tries to keep the Sharma occupied at the Hide while Pollard rummages around the place.


Pollard sneaks into Holdgate to try to find proof that Amit is evil. (Image credit: ITV)

But when Amit heads off home and Vinny tries to warn Pollard, he doesn’t hear his calls…

Does Amit catch Pollard at it?

Later, Pollard pleads with Jai to hear him out but the Sharma son doesn’t want a bar of it.

Have Pollard and Vinny just provoked evil Amit… Has Pollard now got a target on his back?


But when Pollard takes his suspicions to Jai, his opinions aren’t welcome. (Image credit: ITV)


Pollard’s stunned when Jai turns on him, refusing to believe anything bad about Amit, the man he once hated. (Image credit: ITV)

Elsewhere, guilt-ridden over his part in Paddy and Mandy’s rift, Marlon urges his best mate to lay everything on the line to save their relationship.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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