
EastEnders spoiler: Karen’s return leaves Linda in a panic

Linda considers leaving the Square for a while. Linda Carter panics over Keanu Taylor secret in 56 new spoiler pictures

Karen faces the consequences of her actions when Phil demands the £50,000 ransom money back. Karen seeks answers about the events of Christmas Day, so Kathy and Stacey try to convince her that they’re telling the truth.

Kathy considers getting Karen out of the way by reporting her to the police for Albie’s kidnapping. Phil also seeks advice from Kathy about Karen.

Linda panics over Karen’s return and decides that it’s a good idea to go away for the holiday with Alfie. Stacey is shocked when Elaine mentions that Linda is leaving the Square.

Meanwhile, Eddie’s tough approach has consequences for Denzel in the boxing ring. Yolande worries about Denzel’s new obsession when he vows to train twice a day.

Eddie speaks to Gloria over the phone and it’s clear that he’s up to something when he reveals that everything is going to plan.

EastEnders’ Linda Carter panics over Keanu Taylor secret in 56 new spoiler pictures

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Monday, February 5: Bernie comes up with a plan

She wants her old job back at the cafe.

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Monday, February 5: Jack has spent the night at Stacey’s

His marriage to Denise is still on the rocks.

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Monday, February 5: Jack kisses Stacey

But when Jack returns home, he tells Denise that he only slept on the sofa at Stacey’s.

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Monday, February 5: Jean interrupts

Does Stacey feel guilty over her fling with Jack?

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Monday, February 5: There’s a crisis meeting for the women

Nish has threatened to get the floor replaced at the cafe due to a leak.

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Monday, February 5: The women are all nervous

They wonder what to do next.

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Monday, February 5: Linda is in despair

She knows she’ll be in the most trouble if the truth ever comes out.

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Monday, February 5: Linda is full of regret

The Keanu drama isn’t the only thing on her mind today.

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Monday, February 5: Linda confides in Elaine

She explains one of her current problems.

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Monday, February 5: Elaine listens to Linda

Will she offer any advice?

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Monday, February 5: Eddie returns to The Vic

George’s adoptive father is back in town.

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Monday, February 5: Gina is unsettled

Eddie’s offensive behaviour from his last visit is still on Gina’s mind.

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Monday, February 5: Eddie reveals he’s won an award for championing diversity in boxing

Gina isn’t convinced by Eddie’s sudden ‘nice guy’ act.

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Monday, February 5: Ian gives Alfie some advice

He suggests Alfie should take a holiday to celebrate reaching the end of his cancer treatment.

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Monday, February 5: Alfie has an idea

He suggests that Linda could come with him on the trip.

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Tuesday, February 6: The cafe is re-opening

The building has been restored after the fire.

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Tuesday, February 6: Phil receives a shock

Karen is back in Walford.

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Tuesday, February 6: Phil confronts Karen

He demands the £50,000 ransom money back.

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Tuesday, February 6: Kathy and Suki watch on

They hope that Karen won’t be back for long.

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Tuesday, February 6: Bernie also watches on

It’s tough to see Karen under fire.

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Tuesday, February 6: Karen defends her return

She wants answers over Keanu’s disappearance.

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Tuesday, February 6: Phil heads over again

He’s not letting the missing money go.

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Tuesday, February 6: Karen is nervous

Coming back was always going to be a risk.

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Tuesday, February 6: Karen’s mission begins

She wants to know what happened at Christmas.

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Tuesday, February 6: Stacey repeats the fake version of events

Will Karen believe her?

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Tuesday, February 6: Linda continues to panic

She packs her bags to go on the holiday with Alfie.

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Tuesday, February 6: Elaine interrupts

She’s surprised that Linda said yes to the trip.

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Tuesday, February 6: Stacey visits Linda

Elaine lets slip about Linda’s plan to leave.

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Tuesday, February 6: Linda has to explain herself to Stacey

Will Stacey convince her to stay?

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Tuesday, February 6: Gina remains uneasy about Eddie

Eddie is not a welcome visitor, but what will George say?

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Tuesday, February 6: Eddie makes a secretive call

Clearly up to something, he tells Gloria that everything is going according to plan.

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Wednesday, February 7: Karen’s mission continues

She still has more questions.

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Wednesday, February 7: Bernie listens to Karen

Is she on her mum’s side?

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Wednesday, February 7: Karen approaches Stacey again

There’s still confusion over what happened at Christmas.

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Wednesday, February 7: Karen visits The Vic

She demands a chat with Linda.

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Wednesday, February 7: Nish surprises Kat

He says that he has a gift for her.

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Wednesday, February 7: Nish has bought Kat a coat

But it’s not to Kat’s taste.

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Wednesday, February 7: Nish bickers with Kat

He rebukes her for questioning Priya on her work ethic.

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Wednesday, February 7: Kat is refusing to wear the coat

But Nish follows with it.

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Wednesday, February 7: Nish hassles Kat to wear the coat

Kat is unsettled by her new boyfriend’s behaviour.

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Wednesday, February 7: Kat reluctantly wears the coat

But she still doesn’t like the style.

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Wednesday, February 7: Honey, Eve, Stacey and Jean witness the coat incident

Jean decides to give Kat some home truths about her relationship with Nish.

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Wednesday, February 7: Gina confides in Cindy

She’s still unhappy over Eddie’s visit.

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Wednesday, February 7: George and Eddie spend time together

Cindy watches them.

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Wednesday, February 7: Eddie is frosty towards Cindy

There’s a tense moment.

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Wednesday, February 7: Cindy questions George on why he’s accepting Eddie’s behaviour

This sparks a row as George turns the tables on Cindy.

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Thursday, February 8: Lauren checks on Annie

But she discovers that Linda has a bottle of wine hidden.

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Thursday, February 8: Lauren intervenes

She whisks Annie away, offering to look after her for a while.

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Thursday, February 8: Kat clashes with Priya

Ben tries to break it up.

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Thursday, February 8: Kat’s day gets worse

She discovers that Tommy has decided to move back in with Phil.

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Thursday, February 8: Eddie and George remain close

Cindy continues to keep an eye on them.

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Thursday, February 8: Gina and Cindy share the same concerns

They clearly disapprove.

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Thursday, February 8: Anna is also close to Eddie

They bond at the bar.

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Thursday, February 8: Cindy confronts George again

This sparks a second row between them.

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Thursday, February 8: Cindy becomes thoughtful

She reflects on her row with George.

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Thursday, February 8: Cindy has a heart-to-heart with Peter and Ian

She soon makes a big decision.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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