
Dean Wicks tells another callous lie to Jade Masood in double EastEnders exit story

Dean hasn’t told Jade the truth

Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo) took his plan to keep daughter Jade Masood (Elizabeth Green) by his side to a new level in recent EastEnders scenes.

Since learning that Jade planned to move to Pakistan with mum Shabnam, Dean has taken vile measures to ensure that she isn’t well enough to go, including tampering with her medication.

When he almost got caught out by Jean Slater (Gillian Wright), he painted her as the villain, before targeting Harvey Monroe (Ross Boatman) in a vicious online hate campaign.

With Jade still determined to move to Pakistan when she is well enough and his hate campaign against Harvey having had little effect, Dean took himself to Peggy’s to drown his sorrows, where he was met with some harsh words from Chelsea Fox (Zaraah Abrahams).

Dean looking intently ata laptop screen in EastEnders

Dean hasn’t told Jade the truth

She pointed out that if he cared about Jade as much as he said, then he’d move with her to Pakistan.

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Though he argued that he couldn’t afford to start afresh as all of his assets were tied up in Beale’s Eels, it was clear Chelsea’s argument had struck a chord.

Determined to get his own way, he paid Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) a visit, and informed her that he was willing to sell his share of the business to her.

Dean, Ian and Cindy in the Beale's kitchen in EastEnders
Dean refused to accept Ian’s offer (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

While Cindy was reluctant, Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) could smell a business opportunity, and offered Dean well under the asking price for his share.

Frustrated, Dean declared that he’d find the money he needed elsewhere, before storming off.

Back at the flat, Dean left Jade thrilled when he told her that he planned on getting a place in Pakistan and moving with her, though she questioned how he would fund the trip.

When Dean told her that he would figure it out, he failed to mention exactly how he planned to do that.

After saying goodnight, Dean logged into Jade’s charity bank account and transferred the donations into his own account, in order to fund their exit.

Will Jade find out about Dean’s deception?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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