
Amit Sharma š••ead in most gruesome way as Jai violently š•œills his dad in Emmerdale?

Jai took serious š•£evenge on Amit

Jai Sharma (Chris Bisson) took vicious revenge on Amit Sharma (Anil Goutam) in recent Emmerdale scenes after he confessed to accidentally killing Rishi Sharma.

Jai sent Amit flying down the stairs, just as he had done to Rishi last year, only things werenā€™t about to stop there.

As Jai pointed out Amitā€™s broken leg, he cruelly stood on it in a bid to get Amit to further open up about the circumstances surrounding Rishiā€™s death, before taking his phone so that he couldnā€™t call for help.

In pain, Amit admitted that he and Rishi were expecting a large inheritance from a distant uncle, and that his half of the share would have been almost enough to pay off all his debts.

Jai talking to Amit and Eric in Emmerdale

Jai took serious revenge on Amit

He explained how he had begged Rishi to hand over his share, only to receive a lecture about his life choices in return, which infuriated him enough to shove Rishi down the stairs.

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Jai was quick to point out that it seemed as though Amit had deliberately killed him to claim his share of the inheritance, though Amit was adamant that he had merely lashed out in the heat of the moment, and hadnā€™t intended to kill his brother at all.

Unfortunately, Jai didnā€™t believe that Amit was telling the truth, and pointed out that Rishi was dead because of his greed.

When Amit pointed out that that was something he would have to live with, Jai chillingly stated that that remained to be seen.

Eric speaks to Amit in The Hide in Emmerdale
Amit had been trying to scam Eric (Picture: ITV)

As the tension grew, the pair were soon interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Eric Pollard (Chris Chittell), who was shocked by the scene and keen to call the police.

Jai said that calling the police would be a good idea, as he had recorded Amitā€™s confession.

In a bid to keep Eric out of things, he sent him home and told him to expect a call from the police after he made Amit make the call.

However, it turned out that Jai didnā€™t plan on having Amit call the police at all, and Amit was left horrified as Jai lunged at him.

Later, we saw Jai cleaning up blood from the house while on the phone to Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy), informing her that he was at a business meeting.

The house was eerily quiet and there was no sign of Amitā€¦

When Jai headed off towing a suitcase behind him, we were left wondering if Amitā€™s body may be stuffed insideā€¦

Has Jai brutally murdered his dad?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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