Home & Away

Home and Away spoiler: Rose struggles over the Tane case

She's in a difficult position.

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Rose confirms to Xander that she hasn’t heard from Mali since she seized Tane’s passport, which she’s interpreting as a pretty good indication of where they stand. She has also spoken to Sarge, and it’s her decision over whether to press charges against Mali and Harper or not. It’s a huge burden for Rose, and she tells Bree that she thinks Sarge is testing her.

Under pressure from Dana later, Rose snaps. Xander then accidentally lets the truth slip out to Dana. The next thing she knows, Rose is faced with Dana on her doorstep late at night – urging her not to punish the people who were trying to help.

Meanwhile, after banishing Valerie from the Bay, Leah checks in with Theo. She explains how hard it was for her to ask Valerie to leave, but he still doesn’t understand how she could do it. Leah’s frank as she explains that sometimes you can only help people who want to help themselves.

At home though, Leah gently suggests the idea of Theo getting some help himself. Theo says he doesn’t need it as he’s done with taking drugs. Before she can push any further, Justin returns home with news – Valerie has handed herself in, so the charges against Theo and Lyrik have been dropped. Theo is desperate to go to her, but Leah is quick to remind him that it isn’t his problem.

Theo approaches Remi, knowing that Justin has told him about the stolen money. But Remi’s more worried about the drugs – pointing out that Theo stole and lied to his family, which doesn’t sound like someone in control.

As Theo shares more about his and Valerie’s drug-taking, Remi offers sage advice – he needs to do something now before he hits rock bottom. That night, he takes Theo to Bree’s, where they sit down to talk. Theo asks for help, and Bree’s ready to talk through his options.

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Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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