Home & Away

Home and Away Spoilers – Mackenzie meets her love rival Imogen

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Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Levi and Mackenzie are forced to skate on thin ice, as Levi’s wife Imogen pays a surprise visit to Summer Bay.

Mackenzie (Emily Weir) and Levi (Tristan Gorey) have been carrying on their illicit affair for the past couple of months, with Levi first telling Imogen (Georgia Blizzard) that he’d been busy visiting patients in the Northern Districts, before then going on to say that he was spending time reconnecting with sister Eden (Stephanie Panozzo).

Levi thought he’d been well and truly sprung when Eden came out and asked him whether he was having an affair last week.

He breathed a sigh of relief however when he realised she was talking about Bree (Juliet Godwin), who had been drunkenly throwing herself at Levi in an attempt to show ex-boyfriend Remi (Adam Rowland) that she was over him.

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A comment from Remi had made Eden question why Levi was spending so much time in the bay, so putting two and two together, it seemed a somewhat logical conclusion.

Levi was able to look his sister in the eye and honestly say he was not sleeping with Bree, which put her mind at ease after thinking that history could be repeating itself following their own father’s affair.

Eden apologised to Levi for letting Remi get inside her head, and with Levi telling her that things had been shaky with Imogen (as an excuse for him spending so much time away from home), Eden figured they could do with some time together to sort things out.

Levi was stunned when Eden later told him that he didn’t need to pack to go home, as she had invited Imogen up to Summer Bay!

As we return to the scene next week, Levi tells Eden he had wanted some space from Imogen, but Eden believes that having some time together to just relax could do them a world of good.

Maybe they could even talk about the baby issue, which Levi has told Eden is what’s causing their problems.

Whilst Levi says he’s grateful, he points out that he doesn’t need Eden to fix his marriage. Eden disagrees, and reminds Levi that he’s lucky to have Imogen, further cementing any guilt he’s feeling.

Agreeing to meet Eden back at the house, Levi races up to Salt to warn Mac that Imogen is on her way. They certainly won’t be getting any fun time together anytime soon.

Mac confides in housemate Tane as to what’s going on, who comments that it’s going to be tough. Mac resigns herself to the fact that it’s what she signed up to.

When Imogen arrives at the share house Levi struggles to show his enthusiasm, and when Eden suggests they head to Salt for lunch, his heart sinks.

After receiving a text from Levi tipping her off, Mac is forced to make herself scarce from her own restaurant.

Back in their hotel room, Imogen senses tension, wondering why Levi seems so distant. He brushes it off as fatigue, but when he finally joins her in bed it’s Mac he’s worried about, not his marriage.

Imogen is upset the next morning as she confides in Eden over Levi’s aloofness, worrying that she’s losing him.

As the pair end up outside the surf club, Mac is outside taking a delivery and is like a rabbit caught in the headlights when Eden calls her over to introduce Imogen.

Whilst terrified of saying something that will drop her in it, Mac’s curiosity takes over, and she quickly invites Imogen and Eden up to Salt for a coffee on the house.

Mac is wracked with guilt as she eavesdrops on Imogen and Eden’s conversation, hearing how Imogen fears something has changed between them. When Imogen hears that Mac is a former patient of Levi’s she insists that she join them at the table.

Levi is horrified when he enters to find his wife and lover sitting together, and it leads to a somewhat awkward conversation when he sits down and Imogen ponders the idea of them moving to Summer Bay.

Levi’s seething when he hears that the coffee was Mac’s idea, and after claiming that they need to head back to the city so he can see some patients, Levi and Imogen head back to the motel to pack.

Being in separate cars, Levi takes a diversion to the farmhouse en-route and furiously confronts MacAre you deliberately trying to mess up my life?!

Mac argues that it was always going to be inevitable that she and Imogen came across each other, but when Levi points out that she instigated the whole thing, Mac admits that she was curious about the woman who he spent his life with.

As the two descend further into a blazing row, Mac can’t deal with Levi any more and tells him to get out and go home to his wife.

Is this the end of their affair?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 20th May (Episode 8231)

Eden orchestrates an awkward reunion. Tane lashes out. Mackenzie plays with fire.

Tuesday 21st May (Episode 8232)

Cash blisters at Stevie’s defiance. Mackenzie is wracked with guilt.

Wednesday 22nd May (Episode 8233)

Cash struggles to wrangle Stevie. Bree tries to smile through her pain. Theo and Valerie betray Justin.

Thursday 23rd May (Episode 8234)

Bree makes a move she’ll regret. Kirby is onto Theo. Leah’s desperate for details of her wedding.

Friday 24th May (Episode 8235)

Justin and Kirby try to track down Theo. Dana bends the rules to help a friend. Tane makes a dangerous decision.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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