Home & Away

Home and Away spoiler: Tane pushes too far over the baby – Rose is forced to take action

Rose is forced to take action.

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Tane asks Dana how baby Maia is doing. She tells him that Maia has a high temperature, but it’s nothing the doctors can’t sort out. Despite her reassurances, he latches onto the fact that Maia is sick. Against his own best judgement, he turns up at the hospital.

Rose catches him there once again. She tells Tane yet again that he can’t be at the hospital, that they’re working on finding Maia a safe home, and that him being there isn’t helping anyone. The threat of the AVO is no longer just a threat – thanks to Tane’s stubbornness, it’s now in motion.

Tane pushes back, questioning how much progress they’ve actually made in helping the case. In his mind, it’s simple – Maia needs him, and so he’s here. Frustrated, Rose leaves to call for back-up.

Dana tells Tane that the doctor needs to see Maia for a moment, and hurriedly wheels her crib away. Before anyone can even blink, Rose, with her sergeant, steps into block his exit. Rose tells Tane that he needs to come with them right away, or she’s going to have to arrest him.

Meanwhile, Theo watches Valerie grow increasingly reliant on the pills, as well as more secretive in front of Lean and Justin. He tells her that he didn’t take the last pill she gave him, hinting that they should back off, but Valerie just accuses him of lying to her and bringing the mood down.

Out of options, Theo arranges to meet up with Kirby. He spills the beans, telling her that he’s completely out of his depth with Valerie, and that he needs all the help he can get. Kirby listens with compassion. She reassures Theo that he has done all that he can, and that Valerie needs real, professional help.

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In a comforting gesture, Kirby reaches for Theo’s hand – just in time for Valerie to walk in and witness the tender moment. Kirby immediately pulls away, but it’s too late – Valerie walks away, betrayed. Theo puts his head in his hands. What’s going to happen now?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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