Home & Away

Home and Away Spoilers – Leah makes a secret return to Summer Bay

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Justin is crushed as Leah returns to Summer Bay without telling him, while Dana gets some key information that could save the surf club.

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As Justin (James Stewart) continues to pine for Leah (Ada Nicodemou), who is currently away spending time in a mental health clinic, he’s stunned when he discovers that she has made a secret return to Summer Bay!

Leah opted to go to the clinic voluntarily, after night terrors and sleep deprivation caused her to hold Justin at knifepoint in the diner, believing he and others around her were working for the cult Vita Nova.

It was understood that Leah could be away for several weeks, with Bree (Juliet Godwin) warning Justin that he wouldn’t be allowed any contact whilst she was seeking treatment.

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So Justin was gutted when he recently learned that Marilyn (Emily Symons) had not only written to Leah, but had received a reply.

Justin was straight on the blower asking to speak to Leah, but the clinic told him that it was against their protocol. Wanting to get his thoughts down immediately, Justin wrote his own letter in Alf’s (Ray Meagher) office, but then asked Marilyn if she would slip it in with one of hers.

Marilyn wasn’t willing to hoodwink her friend however, so Justin was left back at square one.

Next week, Marilyn is surprised to receive a call from Leah, who is coming back to Summer Bay that very same day. However, she not only asks whether she can stay with Alf, Roo and Marilyn at Summer Bay House, but also requests they keep it a secret from Justin.

Neither Marilyn nor Alf can understand Leah’s motives, but of course agree to help her out.

Alf is conflicted though; whilst Leah is one of many people he considers ‘family’, he feels bad for lying to good friend Justin—particularly when he knows how much he’s suffering in Leah’s absence.

When Justin sees Alf, he asks whether Marilyn is still writing to Leah and asks if she can send his love. Eventually, Alf decides he can’t keep the secret from both Justin and Theo (Matt Evans).

After explaining that he’s only telling them this on the condition that they respect Leah’s wishes, Alf reveals that she is coming home today and staying with him—but Justin and Theo must keep their distance.

Alf welcomes Leah with open arms as she returns with Marilyn—her old room is ready and waiting for her.

Leah explains that it takes some of the pressure off knowing that no-one knows she’s there, but Alf comes clean and confesses that he’s told Justin and Theo, as it didn’t feel right lying to them.

Leah concedes that they would have found out eventually, but her feelings on the matter are complicated. Leah is struggling to get past the fact that she pulled a knife on the man that she loves, and cannot see how Justin could ever forgive her. Alf thinks she needs to give Justin a chance to prove that.

Leah later reaches out to Theo, and as he answers her call he asks how things are going in the clinic.

Leah tells him he can relax, she knows that he’s aware she’s back in Summer Bay, and she would like to see him—but alone.

Theo heads over to Summer Bay House, where Leah explains that she’s made good progress at the clinic. She’s not had a nightmare in weeks, however she is not yet ready to face Justin.

As Theo relays the conversation back to Justin, he says that they should respect her wishes.

However, hearing this only fuels Justin’s determination to see Leah, and shortly afterwards he’s knocking on the door at Summer Bay House.

Leah and Alf are in the hallway, out of sight, and hearing that it’s Justin at the door, Leah asks Alf to get rid of him.

Alf reminds Justin of Leah’s request, but Justin is desperate as he asks Alf to at least give Leah his letter—he simply wants to know what he’s done wrong.

Leah reluctantly emerges and tells Alf that he can leave them to it, but will Justin’s unexpected visit only serve to set back her recovery?

Leah isn’t the only issue on Alf’s mind this week, as the future of the surf club remains on shaky ground.

John (Shane Withington) is on top form now that he’s back running his beloved bronze medallion class, after Alf went above the heads of the committee and reinstated him as surf club manager, together with his teaching privileges.

Alf went against the threats of the club’s main sponsor Simon Henderson however, who had escalated his son Banjo’s (Michael Cameron) complaint against John for making fun of his man bun.

Although Banjo had been happy to drop the complaint once he received an apology from John, who was suffering from caffeine withdrawal on that day, Simon was determined to see things through and have John removed.

Simon promised Alf there would be consequences for John’s reinstatement, and since then, committee members have been mysteriously resigning.

Next week, with no hard feelings, Banjo is back in John’s sessions, alongside Dana (Ally Harris). Thankfully, Banjo is now able to see JP at his best, and even receives a compliment for his performance as a dead body as Dana practices her lifesaving skills.

When Alf approaches John on the beach during the session, he tells him that a fourth member of the committee has now quit, with both he and Roo suspecting that Simon has been giving all these people an incentive to do so.

With the numbers on the committee down by four, they no longer have a quorum and the surf club won’t be able to function as it should.

Dana overhears as John offers to resign again in response, but Alf isn’t going to let Simon win that easily.

With Banjo noticing that John seems stressed as they break for lunch, Dana reveals what she’s heard about the committee members.

Banjo replies that it makes sense, he’s seen several committee members visiting his dad at home over the past few days, ones that have never visited before. He goes on to reveal that he even saw his dad hand one of them a huge wad of cash!

Dana heads straight to Alf and Roo with this bombshell, and she and Roo later head to Yabbie Creek Police Station to ask for Rose’s (Kirsty Marillier) advice.

As the pair ask if this could be considered bribery, Rose asks if they’re able to provide any proof. But the only person who can vouch for it is Banjo.

When Banjo is unexpectedly called to the station by Rose, Dana can only apologise to him on his arrival for breaching his confidence.

Banjo realises what’s going on, and tells them that there’s no way he can dob on his own father.

But as Dana points out, Banjo’s participation in the bronze medallion class must mean that he supports everything the club stands for.

Will Banjo be convinced to do the right thing and help save Summer Bay Surf Club?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 11th March (Episode 8181)

Tane confides in Cash. Alf is conflicted. Bree is determined to protect Remi.

Tuesday 12th March (Episode 8182)

Bree is overprotective of her patient. Can Leah keep Justin at a distance? Harper and Tane reclaim their friendship.

Wednesday 13th March (Episode 8183)

Levi can’t bring himself to leave Summer Bay. Justin’s plea with Leah backfires. Is the Surf Club under threat?

Thursday 14th March (Episode 8184)

Is Felicity ready to move on from Tane? Mackenzie needs a girls’ day. Rose is roped in to save the Surf Club.

Friday 15th March (Episode 8185)

The Surf Club is a sinking ship. Xander offers Felicity a shoulder to lean on. Will Cash get his job back?

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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